CIDE Affiliated Courses


Each year the OISE Bulletin andĀ SGS CalendarĀ documents the CIDE course offerings that will count towards completing the MA, M.Ed, Ph.D, and Ed.D degrees. Only the below CIDE affiliated courses will be counted towards the CIDE program requirements. For all CIDE affiliated Elective courses, students must ensure that the CIDE affiliated elective courses are taught by CIDE affiliated faculty members. Students are responsible for ensuring that the CIDE courses they take fulfil the CIDE course requirements.

Upon graduation students will be required to check the CIDE Completion Information page and complete the CIDEĀ Graduation Form.Ā 

Please see below for the complete list of approved CIDE Courses. Please note that not all courses are offered each year. Please see the “Current and Upcoming CIDE Courses” tab to view the current courses offered for this academic year. Please also refer to theĀ RO TimetableĀ to see when courses are being offered.

CIDE Core Courses

Certain special topics courses offered by the following departments can be taken as part of the program requirements for this collaborative specialization if the instructor is CIDE participating faculty and has had their syllabus accepted by CIDE. Students should refer to the CIDE Current and Upcoming Course TimetableĀ for the details.

Asterisks (*) Indicate CIDE core courses

Comparative Education

CIE 1001H* Introduction to Comparative, International, and Development Education

CIE 1002H* Practicum for Comparative, International, and Development Education (Practicum Form)

CIE 1006H* Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Human Rights, and Democratic Education in an Era of Globalization

CIE 6000H* Special Topics in Comparative, International, and Development Education

Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning

Curriculum and Pedagogy (C&P):

CTL 1037H* Teacher Development: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives

CTL 1060H* Education and Social Development

CTL 1312H*Ā  Democratic Citizenship Education, Comparative International Perspectives

CTL 1319H* Religious Education: Comparative and International Perspectives

CTL 1330H* Education and Peacebuilding in Conflict Zones: International Comparative Perspectives

CTL 5041H* Special Topics: Educational Research and Knowledge Production in Comparative, International and Development Contexts: Issues and Opportunities

Languages and Literacies Education (LLE):Ā 

CTL 3040H* The Education of Students of Refugee Background in Canada and Beyond

CTL 3811H* Critical Perspectives on Language, Racism, and Settler Colonialism (previously under special topics number CTL 6301)

Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

Adult Education & Community Development Program (AECD):

LHA 1146H* Women, War, and Learning

LHA 3104H* Adult Education and Marxism

LHA 3182H* Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy

Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP):

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  Ā LHA 1064H* School Leadership in Post Colonial Contexts

LHA 1065H* Educational Equity and Excellence in International Comparison

LHA 1066H* Comparative and International Perspectives on Gender Education Policy and Practice (exclusion: CIE 6000H)

LHA 1067H* Comparative Politics of Educational Policy (exclusion: LHA 5006H)

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  LHA 3064H* Global Governance and Educational Change: The Politics of International Cooperation in Education (previously under course code: LHA 3180H)

LHA 5005H* Comparative, International, and Development Education: Issues for Teachers

Higher Education (HE):

LHA 1806H* Systems of Higher Education

LHA 1807H* Strategic and Long-Range Planning for Postsecondary Systems

LHA 1825H* Comparative Education: Theory and Methodology

LHA 1826H* Comparative Higher Education

LHA 1846H* Internationalization of Higher Education in a Comparative Perspective

LHA 3810H*Ā International Academic Relations

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  LHA 5819H* East Asian Higher Education

Social Justice Education

SJE 1924H* Modernization, Development, and Education in African Contexts

SJE 1927H* Migration and Globalization

SJE 1976H* Critical Media Literacy Education

SJE 3911H* Cultural Knowledges, Representation, and Colonial Education

CIDE Elective Courses

The below CIDE elective courses and certain special topics courses offered by the following departments can be taken as part of the program requirements for this collaborative specialization if the instructor is CIDE participating faculty and has had their syllabus accepted by CIDE. Students should refer to theCIDE Current and Upcoming Course TimetableĀ for the details.

Curriculum, Teaching, and LearningĀ 

Curriculum and Pedagogy (C&P):

CTL 1031H Language, Culture, and Identity: Using the Literary Text in Teacher DevelopmentĀ 

CTL 1063H Pedagogies of Solidarity

CTL 1011H Anti-Oppression Education in School Settings

CTL 1218H Culture and Cognition in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

CTL 1221H Education for Human Goals Local and Global: Howā€™s Science Education Helping?

CTL 1307H Identity Construction and Education of Minorities

CTL 1318H Teaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution

CTL 1320H Introduction to Aboriginal Land-Centered Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

CTL 1321H Aboriginal Civilization: Language, Culture, and Identity

CTL 1332H Introduction to Decolonization in EducationĀ 

CTL 1406H The Origins of Modern Schooling: Issues in the Development of the North American Educational System

CTL 1430H Gendered Colonialisms, Imperialisms, and Nationalisms in History

CTL 5049H Special Topics: Structural and Colonial Violence: Educational Response(abilities) and Complicities

CTL 5050H Special Topics: Decolonial and Antiracist Approaches to Environmental Education

CTL 5053H Special Topics: Architectures of Race, Whiteness and Settlerhood in Education

Languages and Literacies Education (LLE):

CTL 3000H Foundations of Bilingual and Multicultural Education

CTL 3008H Critical Pedagogy, Language, and Cultural DiversityĀ 

CTL 3011H Cognitive Sociolinguistic and Sociopolitical Orientations in Bilingual Education Research

CTL 3015H Literacies Education in Multilingual ContextsĀ 

CTL 3018H Language Planning and Policy/Politique et amƩnagement linguistique

CTL 3024H Second Language Teacher Education

CTL 3025H Educational Sociolinguistics

CTL 3026H Pragmatics in Language EducationĀ 

CTL 3031H Children’s Literature Within a Multicultural Context

CTL 3100H Communication and Second Language Learning in the Workplace

CTL 3805H Multilingualism and Pluralism

Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

Adult Education & Community Development Program (AECD):

LHA 1102H Community Development: Innovative Models

LHA 1113H Gender and Race at Work

LHA 1115H Learning for the Global Economy

LHA 1142H Young Adulthood in Crisis: Learning, Transitions, and Activism

LHA 1145H Participatory Research in the Community and the Workplace

LHA 1147H Women, Migration, and Work

LHA 1148H Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy

LHA 1180H Indigenous Worldviews: Implications for Education

LHA 1181H Embodied Learning and Alternative Approaches to Community Wellness

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  LHA 1182H Nonprofits, Co-operatives, and the Social Economy: An Overview

LHA 1184H Aboriginal Knowledge: Implications for Education

LHA 1190H Community Healing and Peacebuilding

LHA 1196H Walking Together, Talking Together: The Praxis of Reconciliation

LHA 3103H Teaching about Global and Social Issues

Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP):

LHA 1029H Special Applications of the Administrative Process

LHA 1041H Educational Administration II: Social and Policy Context of Schooling

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  LHA 1043H Decolonizing and Antiracist Approaches to Educational Leadership

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  LHA 5015H Enacting Policy in Schools

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  LHA 3040HĀ Administrative Theory and Educational Problems I: People and Power in Organizations

LHA 3041H Administrative Theory and Educational Problems II: Doctoral Seminar on Policy Issues in Education

LHA 3055H Democratic Values, Student Engagement, and Democratic Leadership

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  LHA 5017H Critical Approaches to Online Learning

LHA 6001H Special Topics: Radical Approaches to Policy Studies

EDP3145H Methodological Approaches for Researching Education Policy

Higher Education (HE):

LHA 1814H Lifelong Learning and Professional and Vocational Education

Social Justice Education

SJE 1438H Democratic Approaches to Pedagogy

SJE 1447H Technology in Education: Philosophical Issues

SJE 1912H Foucault and Research in Education and Culture: Discourse, Power, and the Subject

SJE 1921Y The Principles of Anti-Racism Education

SJE 1922H Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

SJE 1925H Indigenous Knowledge and Decolonization: Pedagogical Implications

SJE 1926H Race, Space and Citizenship: Research Methods

SJE 1951H The School and the Community

SJE 1956H Social Relations of Cultural Production in Education

SJE 2941H Bourdieu: Theory of Practice in Social Sciences

SJE 3905H Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research: Theory and Praxis

SJE 3910H Advanced Seminar on Race and Anti- Racism Research Methodology in Education

SJE 3912H Race and Knowledge Production: Research Methods

SJE 3914H Anti-Colonial Thought and Pedagogical Challenges

SJE 3915H Franz Fanon and Education

SJE 3933H Globalisation and Transnationality: Feminist Perspectives

SJE 5010H Special Topics: Coloniality, Race, and Heteropatriarchy: Perspectives from Latin American Contexts

SJE 5014H Special Topics: Master’s Level Childhood Social Issues, Education and Critical Inquiry

SJE 5019H Special Topics: Narratives of Exile and Migration: Implications for Education

SJE 5038H Special Topics in Social Justice Research in Education: Anti-Islamophobia Education as Transformative Pedagogy: Implications for Teaching