CIDE Faculty


Over 50 University of Toronto faculty members are affiliated with CIDEC, offering our students and the centre a wide range of research interests, methods, and regional foci. Several of our faculty are also involved in the Initial Teacher Education program at OISE.

Two of our faculty members have served as presidents of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC): Drs. Vandra Masemann and the late David Wilson. Five of our faculty members have served as presidents of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) – the US affiliate of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES): Drs. Ruth Hayhoe, Vandra Masemann, Karen Mundy, and the late David Wilson and Joe Farrell. Vandra Masemann has served as the President of the WCCES. 

CIDE Affiliated Faculty Members

* Names appearing with an asterisk represent CIDE/C Steering Committee Members

Stephen Anderson, Professor Emeritus, LHAE

ELP; Implementation of education policy and program change; school improvement and teacher development; program evaluation

Nina Bascia, Professor, Emeritus, LHAE

ELP; Policy analysis; teachers’ organizations

Abigail Bakan, Professor, SJE

Anti-oppression politics; intersections of gender, race, class, political economy and citizenship

Jeff Bale*, Associate Professor, CTL

LLE; Language diversity; second language learning

Kathy Bickmore*, Professor, CTL

C&P; Education for democracy; peacebuilding, and conflict resolution in comparative perspective

Megan Boler, Professor, SJE

Philosophy of technology; post-structuralism

Jennifer Brant, Assistant Professor, CTL

C&P; Indigenous pedagogies for cultural identity development, healing and wellness

Elizabeth Buckner*, Assistant Professor, LHAE

HE; Globalization and neoliberalism effects on higher education and citizenship

Alexandre Cavalcante, Assistant Professor, CTL

C&P; Numeracy education; Formal and informal education

Anna (Katyn) Chmielewski*, Associate Professor, LHAE 

ELP; National educational and social policies and income inequality

George J. Sefa Dei, Professor, SJE

Anti-racism and domination studies; sociology of race, ethnicity; international development

Katherine E. Entigar, Assistant Professor, LHAE

AECD; Migrant rights, justice, and contributions in adult education; critical applied linguistics, multilingual education and new language acquisition; feminist and dialogical pedagogies and methodologies; sociocultural theory

Beyhan Farhadi, Assistant Professor, LHAE

ELP; Critical policy studies; technology, surveillance, and society; educational justice and equity; qualitative research; transnational education

Diane Farmer, Associate Professor, SJE,

CREFO; Francophone minority studies; education studies; childhood social studies

Joseph Flessa, Professor, LHAE

ELP; Urban education; schooling and poverty

Antoinette Gagné*, Associate Professor, CTL

LLE; ESL issues; teaching strategies for diversity

Whitneé Garrett-Walker, Assistant Professor, LHAE

Educational leadership, critical race theory in education, urban education, Black women in school leadership, school leadership preparation and continued development for educational justice.

Ruben Gaztambide-Fernandez, Associate Professor, CTL

C&P; Arts education; curriculum.

Diane Gérin-Lajoie, Professor Emerita, CTL

C&P; CREFO, Teacher and student identity; teaching in minority settings

Soudeh Oladi Ghadikolaei, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, SJE

SJE; race, ethnicity, multiculturalism, immigration and race

Wanja GitariAssociate Professor, CTL

C&P; Indigenous cultures; science learning and equity

Ruth E. S. Hayhoe*, Professor, LHAE

HE; Comparative higher education; international academic relations; higher education in Asia

Monica Heller, Professor, SJE

Franco-Ontario studies; social inequality

Glen Jones, Dean of OISE, Professor, LHAE

HE; Policy and politics of higher education

Reva Joshee, Associate Professor, LHAE

ELP; Democratic approaches to policy; diversity and social justice policies

Arlo Kempf, Assistant Professor, CTL

Race and education, whiteness, white supremacy, antiracism, teachers’ work, ant-colonialism, Canadian education

Julie Kerekes*, Associate Professor, CTL

LLE; Second language acquisition; linguistics

Jane Knight, Adjunct Professor, LHAE

HE; Internationalization of higher education

Hye-Su Kuk, Assistant Professor, LHAE

AECD; Democracy and citizenship learning; social movement learning

Normand Labrie, Acting Dean, Professor, CTL

LLE; Des langues, des politiques linguistiques et des minorités linguistiques, notamment francophones

Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman*, Assistant Professor, CTL

LLE; inclusion of minority (migrant & indigenous) pupils

Ann Lopez, Professor, Teaching Stream, LHAE

Decolonizing education, equity anti-oppression education, school leadership across contexts with focus on the global south, educational leadership

Caroline (Carly) Manion*, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, LHAE/ELP

Sociology of education; equity; inclusive education, gender; education governance; education policy

Vandra Masemann, Adjunct Associate Professor (retired)

Comparative and international education; anthropology of education; critical ethnography

Lance T. McCreadyAssociate Professor, LHAE

AECD; Education, health and well-being of gay Black urban youth; access to higher education

Francine Menashy, Associate Professor, LHAE

Global education policy; education in emergencies; aid to education; international organizations; power asymmetries in global education governance and policy

Maíra Tavares Mendes, Assistant Professor, LHAE

Student transitions; Student experience; Access and retention policies in higher education; Critical pedagogy / popular education; Community-led institutional change

Kiran Mirchandani, Professor, LHAE

AECD; Transnational service work

Gavin MoodieAdjunct Professor, LHAE

HE; Access to higher ed; structures of tertiary, vocational and higher education

Cecilia Morgan, Professor, CTL

C&P; Gender; colonialism; imperialism

Shahrzad Mojab, Professor, LHAE

AECD; Globalization; feminism and women’s education; women and war in the Middle East

Karen Mundy*, Professor, LHAE

ELP; Educational policy and reform in Sub-Saharan Africa; the role of civil society organizations in educational change

Sarfaroz Niyozov*, Associate Professor, CTL

C&P; Global education; international and comparative curriculum studies/education

Fikile Nxumalo, Assistant Professor, CTL

C&P; Place-based and environmental education; Black feminism; Black and children’s geographies

Enrica PiccardoAssociate Professor, CTL

LLE; French as a second and foreign language; teacher development, evaluation

John Portelli, Professor, SJE

Democratic values; student engagement.

Katherine Rehner, Professor, CTL

LLE; Second language learning; sociolinguistics; discourse analysis; French as a first or second language

Claudia Diaz Rios*, Assistant Professor, LHAE

ELP; interaction between global dynamics, domestic policies, and school change; education governance

Creso Sá, Professor, Chair, LHAE

HE; public policy

Peter Sawchuk, Professor, LHAE

AECD; Adult Learning Theory; Labour Studies Social Movement Studies

Sandra StyresAssistant Professor, CTL

C&P; Indigenous language, literacy and education, land centred approaches to language

Vannina Sztainbok, Assistant Professor, SJE

Anti-racist feminism, Afro-Latin American race and gender studies, psychoanalysis, race and space

Derya Tarhan, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, LHAE

AECD; Social and Solidarity Economy; community renewable energy; just and democratic transitions; social movement learning

Miglena Todorova*, Assistant Professor, SJE

Transnational feminisms, feminist media, culture and hegemony, women in post-socialism, violence against women

Harold Troper, Professor, CTL

C&P; Immigrant, ethnic and minority group history

Stephanie Tuters, Assistant Professor, LHAE

ELP; K-12 and higher education teaching; leadership, and policies in the pursuit of social justice

Njoki Wane, Professor, SJE.

Gender, colonialism and development; anti-racism education

Zhaozhe Wang, Assistant Professor, CTL.

Second language writing; writing studies; translingualism; rhetoric; digital media

Jennifer WemigwansAssistant Professor, LHAE

AECD; Indigenous Knowledge Education

Leesa Wheelahan Professor, LHAE

HE; Social justice and education outcomes; vocational education

CIDE Sessional Faculty Members (While Teaching in CIDE)

Jennifer Ajandi, Lecturer, LHAE 

Focus on pedagogy and research emphasizes access, equity and social justice in education, Madness and Neurodivergence across the lifespan.  

Yomna Awad, Lecturer, CTL 

Democratic Citizen Education: Comparative International Perspectives 

Stephen Bahry, Lecturer, CTL

Quality education; stakeholder perspectives; linguistic /cultural diversity; place-based education; EQAO; Afghanistan, Central Eurasia, China, Ukraine, GTA

Valerie Damasco, Lecturer, LHAE

Community Development: Innovative Models; Gender and Race at Work

Mary Drinkwater,  Lecturer, CTL

Comparative, International, and Development Education

Rose Fine-Meyer, Lecturer, CTL

Special Topics in Teaching: Engendering Local Stories, Public History, and Digital Media

Patrick Finnessy,  Lecturer, CTL

Language, Culture, and Identity: Using the Literary Text in Teacher Development

Mona Ghali, Lecturer, LHAE

Comparative, International, and Development Education

Leigh-Anne Ingram, Lecturer, CTL

Dejan Ivkovic, Lecturer, CTL

Literacies Education in Multilingual Contexts 

Ahmed Salehin Kaderi, Lecturer, CTL

Rainos Moyo Mutamba, Lecturer, LHAE

Community Development: Innovative Models

Raphael Camargo Penteado, Post-doc Lecturer, CTL

Postcolonial education; Postcolonial epistemology; Postcolonial assessment and evaluation; Critical organizational theory; Inclusive education practices

Emma Sabzalieva, Course Instructor, LHAE

Comparative and international higher education, geopolitics, international academic relations, governance, Central Asia/former Soviet space

Grace Karram Stephenson, Assistant Professor, LHAE

Comparative Higher Education

Norin Taj, Lecturer, LHAE

Social & Cultural Contexts of Educational Policy & Practice: Education and International Development

Elena Toukan, Lecturer, CTL

Education and Social Development