Professor & Director of CIHE
Canadian higher education, governance, and politics; academic work
Assistant Professor, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Globalization; neoliberalism; privatization of higher education
Professor, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Large-scale assessments; admissions processes; evaluation systems
Assistant Professor, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Postsecondary access; education policy; racially minoritized students; quantitative methods
Professor, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Comparative & international higher education; comparative education theory; international academic relations; Chinese higher education
Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Curriculum theory; design and development; teaching and learning strategies; organization development; education research; leadership and change in education
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Academic profession in the knowledge society study; teaching and learning in higher education; comparative and international higher education; international branch-campuses; internationalization; college student development; regional identity; higher education in Malaysia and the Arab Gulf
Assistant Professor, Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Higher education administration and management; organizational leadership, decision-making, and change; administrators’ recruitment, careers, and performance
Distinguished Professor and Chair
Science & technology policy; universities and economic development; entrepreneurship; organizational studies; policy analysis; research use
Associate Professor, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Native American/Indigenous college student experiences; Native American student affairs; Indigenous methodologies; critical race theories
Professor, William G. Davis Chair, Community College Leadership
Vocational education and training; community college; curriculum studies; labour market pathways; skills
Professor Emerita, Social Justice Education
Changes in academic work; the social production of academic research; gender and academe; women academics in leadership positions; doctoral student and graduate experiences; university tenure and other evaluative practices
Professor Emeritus, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Research and scholarship aimed at improving institutional performance, mainly in the areas of management, planning, budgeting, organization, and accountability
Adjunct Professor, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Relations between college (vocational) and university (higher) education in developed Anglophone countries
Professor Emerita, Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Sociology of knowledge and professions; minoritized faculty; non-dominant ways of knowing
Professor Emeritus, Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Factors influencing design of higher education systems, and implications of different system designs for accessibility, quality, innovation, costs, and effectiveness of higher education in meeting social needs
Visiting Scholar, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Head of Deprartment of Science and Higher Education Research, Nicoulas Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
Sociology of education; higher education policy; university governance and management; organizational studies
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Research Interests: Doctoral and graduate student experiences; the academic profession; sociology of education, with a specific focus on Bourdieu and socialization; equity and inclusion within higher education; governance and management of higher education systems and institutions
Visiting Doctoral Student, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE)
PhD Student, College of Education, Zhejiang University, China
Research Interests: History of higher education in modern China; higher education policy in modern China; the relationship between the university and the government; history of women's education in modern China
Visiting Scholar, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Lecturer, Institute for Upper-Secondary Education, Bern University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
Educational and labour market pathways; upper secondary and higher education policy; relation between education and labour market policy; international comparative (vocational) education research
Visiting Scholar, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology, University of Manitoba
Research Interests: Higher education policy; university governance and administration; international and comparative education; decolonization in higher education contexts
Research Associate, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Senior Policy Advisor, Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board of Ontario (PEQAB)
International and comparative higher education research and policy development in areas including system design, accountability, quality assurance, and evaluation
Research Associate, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Liberal arts education/general education; higher education teaching and learning, comparative international higher education; sociology of education; research methodology
Research Associate, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Canadian, international, and comparative higher education; higher education systems; public policy; outbound student mobility (student exchanges, internships abroad); education data; mixed methods
Researcher, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Recognition of qualifications and competencies; informal and non-formal learning; qualification requirements in the commercial sector; international comparative (vocational) education research
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE), OISE, University of Toronto
Research Interests: Knowledge mobilization; research impact; mixed methods; network analysis; higher education institutions; research policy
Postdoctoral Researcher, Nippissing University
Research Interests: Sociology of education; organization studies; higher education marketing; mixed methods
Media & Research Graduate Assistant
PhD Candidate, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE)