Funded Research

A student listening to a presentation.
Funded Research

Each year, groundbreaking research conducted by faculty at the Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning influences educational policy in the province of Ontario, across Canada and around the world. Here is a list of our Department's funded research projects.

Alex Cavalcante
Project: Numeracy Practices in Contemporary Curriculum and Pedagogy: Exploring the Benefits of an Online Digital Technology
Sponsor: Mitacs Accelerate 

Tara Goldstein
Project: 60 Years of Queer Moments of Activism
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Alex Cavalcante
Project: Financial Numeracy in Ontario Mathematics: The Case of Simple and Compound Interest
Sponsor: Connaught New Researcher Fund

Ruben Gaztambide-Fernandez
Project: Pedagogies of Community Engagement: Strengthening the Practice of Facilitation in Community-Based Projects and Partnerships
Sponsor: Spencer Research-Practice Partnerships

Sandra Styres
Project: International Indigenous Consortium of Teacher Educators: Indigenous Resurgence and Digital Technologies in Teacher Education
Sponsor: SSHRC Partnership Development Grant

Fikile Nxumalo
Project: Designing for Climate Justice Education in a Canadian City: Learning with Black Ecologies
Sponsor: Urban Challenges Grant

Cassie Brownell
Project: Sensory Stories of Environmental Stewardship: A Cross-Coastal Constellation of Children Cultivating, Crafting and Communicating Nature Narratives. 
Sponsor: SSHRC New Frontiers in Research Fund

Sarfaroz Niyosov
Project: Educational Experience of Canadian High School Students from Post-Soviet Backgrounds: A Multiple Method, Multiple Embedded Case Study.
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Grant

Arlo Kempf
Project: Understanding the Schooling Experience of Ontario Youth Without Immigration Status
Sponsor: SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant

Jennifer Brant
Project: Reconciliatory Education: Examining the New "First Voices" Course
Sponsor: Spencer Small Research Grant

Carol-Ann Burke
Project: A Science Centre's Investigation of STEM Education Engagement Strategies for Minoritized Children and Youth
Sponsor: SSHRG Partnership Engage Grant

Alex Cavalcante
Project: Epistemologies of Simple and Compound Interest in Middle and High School Mathematics: Curriculum and Teaching Practices
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Rubén Gaztambide-Fernandez
Project: Leading under Duress: School Leadership Practices in the Context of Systemic Crises
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Rubén Gaztambide-Fernandez
Project: Pedagogies of Solidarity: Supporting Public Education for Minority Students in Chilean Universities through Participatory Action Research
Sponsor: ELAP Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program

Jim Hewitt And Clare Brett
Project: An Introduction to Effective Online Teaching for Elementary and Secondary Instructors
Sponsor: eCampus Ontario Virtual Learning Grant

Kim MacKinnon
Project: Designing for Meaningful Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussion in Online Courses
Sponsor: ECampus Ontario Virtual Learning Grant

Marlene Scardamalia
Project: Knowledge Building in Digital Collaborative Assessment Environments
Sponsor: Manchester University-University of Toronto Research Fund

Jeff Bale
Project: Language, Race, and Regulating Difference: The Heritage Languages Program in Ontario, 1977-1987
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Grant

Cassie Brownell
Project: Learning to 'Be Loud' Through Radio Broadcasting: Examining how Children Use Digital Literacies to Amplify Community Stories
Sponsor: ELATE Research Initiative Grant

Gila Hanna
Project: Teaching proof with technology to enhance understanding in undergraduate mathematics
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Grant

Doug McDougall
Project: Creating Equitable Structures in Early Secondary School Mathematics
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Grant

Fikile Nxumalo
Project: Climate Change Education in the Global South: Developing Climate Justice Pedagogies with Young Children in a rural eSwatini Community
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Enrica Piccardo
Project: Advancing agency in language education (AALE)
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Grant

Enrica Piccardo
Project: COVID-19: Supporting online language learning: Fostering pedagogical innovation in a time of crisis
Sponsor: SHRC PEG - COVID-19 Response

Jim Slotta
Project: Active Learning Labs Project
Sponsor: John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF)/Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)

Jim Slotta
Project: International Partnerships in Education: Supporting 21st Century Competencies and Student Empowerment
Sponsor: Connaught Global Challenge

Sandra Styres
Project: Tutoring and Peer Mentorship: Indigenous Student Success, Achievement and Well-Being
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Jennifer Brant
Project: Indigenous Student Experiences and Cultural Safety Post TRC: Indigenous Requirement Courses in Teacher Education
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Cassie Brownell
Project: Making Citizens in an Urban Primary Classroom: Exploring Young Children's Critical Maker Literacies
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Michelle Dubek
Full STEAM Ahead: Exploring Innovative Assessment in Integrated Elementary Classrooms
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Arlo Kempf
Project: Teacher Practice, Racial Equity & Class Size
Sponsor: Connaught New Researcher Award

Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman
Project: Plurilingual pedagogies and digital technologies to support learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Sponsor: SSHRC - Partnership Development Grant

Fikile Nxumalo
Project: Learning with Place: Exploring Environmental Justice with Marginalized Young Children
Sponsor: Connaught New Researcher Award

Stephanie Springgay
Project: Critical Walking Methodologies of Place: Research-Creation with Diverse Publics
Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Grant

Shelley Stagg Peterson
Project: Northern Oral Language and Writing through Play: A Partnership Supporting Indigenous Children’s Language, Cultural Knowledge and Writing
Sponsor: SSHRC Partnership Grant

Sandra Styres
Project: Indigenous Artist in Residence, Deepening Knowledge Project
Sponsor: City of Toronto Indigenous Arts & Culture Partnership

Angela Vemic
Project: Operationalizing citizenship education in a climate of epistemic crisis: Teacher beliefs about and practices of knowledge work in a networked information landscape
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Lawrence Bencze
Project: Collaborations Mobilizing School Science Students' Critical & Active Civic Engagement
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Grant

Jennifer Brant
Project: Indigenous Student Experiences Post TRC: Indigenous Requirement Courses in Teacher Education
Sponsor: Connaught New Researcher Award

Carol-Ann Burke
Project: Could this be a Place for Us? A Community Level Analysis Exploring the Engagement of Children from a Low-Income Community with a Local Science Centre
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Carol-Ann Burke
Project: STEM Research to Inform Curriculum Refresh
Sponsor: Ministry of Education

Karyn Cooper
Project: Unpacking the Creation of Big Ideas: How can the Biographies of Multidisciplinary Innovators Inform 21st Century Teaching and Learning?
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Grant

Kathleen Gallagher
Project: Towards Youth: Youth Civic Engagement and Theatre
Sponsor: SSHRC – Engage Grant

Jim Hewitt & Mary Reid
Project: A new approach to Ontario's problems with elementary school mathematics
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Arlo Kempf
Project: Implicit Bias and Teacher Professional Practices at the Individual and Institutional Levels: Investigating Mitigation and Elimination Practices in Secondary Schools
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Cecelia Morgan
Project: Elite Families and Settler Society, Nineteenth-Century Ontario
Sponsor: ​​​​​​​SSHRC - Insight Grant

Jim Slotta
Project: ​​​​​​​Active Learning Communities for K-12 Science Classrooms
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Grant

Sandra Styres
Project: Iethi’nihsténha Ohwentsia’kékha (Land), Resurgence, Reconciliation and the Politics of Education
Sponsor: ​​​​​​​CRC/CFI

Clive Beck & Clare Kosnik
Project: Pedagogy of literacy teacher education: Meeting the challenges of 21st century literacies
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Grant

Indigo Esmonde
Project: Drawing conclusions: Comics as method for educational research
Sponsor: Spencer MidCareer Grant

Antoinette Gagné
Project: The Academic and Social Integration of Syrian Refugees in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Grant

Jeff Bale
Project: More Than "Just Good Teaching": Mainstream Teacher Education for Supporting English Language Learners and Teacher Education Policy in Ontario
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Grant

Karyn Cooper
Project: What Does It Mean to Become Worldly? Using Citizen Documentary to Document and Mobilize Social Justice Scholarship
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Diane Gérin-Lajoie
Project: Trajectoires de vie de jeunes immigrants diplomes en contexte scolaire francophone minoritaire
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Grant

Ruth Sandwell
The Canadian Clearances: Land, Energy and the Transformation of Rural
Canada, 19401980
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Sandra Styres
Project: Contested Places: Indigeneity and Indigenization within Mainstream Higher Education
Sponsor: SSHRC - Insight Development Grant

Carol-Ann Burke
Project: Minority middle school student engagement in public science: A qualitative analysis of factors influencing participation
Sponsor: Connaught New Researcher Award

Shelley Stagg Peterson
Project: Dynamic Assessment of Aboriginal Children's Speech-Language Abilities

Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Planning and Dissemination Grant

Shelley Stagg Peterson
Project: Young Children's Oral Language and Writing in Northern Rural and Indigenous Communities

Sponsor: SSHRC Connection Grant

Enrica Piccardo
Project: QualiCEFR: Quality in the implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference

Sponsor: SSHRC Insight Development Grant