2024 GSRC Submission Rules

Please give careful consideration to the following general policies and submission guidelines. Failure to do so will result in submissions being removed from consideration.

General Policies

  1. The OISE GSRC conference will take place at the University of Toronto, located in Tkaronto, currently known as Toronto. Takaronto sits on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabe, Mississaugas of the Credit, Haudenosaunee, Metis, and Wendat and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. OISE specifically stands on the Land signed as Treaty 13 and is protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum agreement, which is a treaty of overlapping governance between the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit River that bind them to share these territories and to protect Land. Land acknowledgements are only meaningful if we learn how to practice reconciliation in our everyday lives. We are grateful to have an opportunity to learn on this land, and we wish to recognize the enduring presence and impact of the Indigenous people who have been living and working on this land from time immemorial. Our conference theme asks participants to imagine the future of education, however, we stress the importance of grounding these future imaginaries on the critical analyses of Canada’s colonial processes, both past and ongoing. We also encourage submissions that will shed light on possible future educational pathways inspired by the resistance to individual, cultural, and structural violence present in our society.
  2. The success of this conference largely depends on the full participation of all attendees. We are committed to accessibility and invite conference participants to let us know what we can do to help them get the most out of the event. Please reach out to us at oise.gsrc@utoronto.ca or +1647-556-6784 and we will gladly work with you to accommodate any requests.
  3. Submissions are open to all OISE students and recent OISE alumni. Any OISE student or recent alumni may advance a submission to any session listed. Current student applications will be given priority.
  4. Submission period: November 1st – December 14th, 2023 (EXTENDED) January 14th, 2024 at 23.59 EST.
  5. Submissions will be accepted here: OISE GSRC 2024 Application Form
  6. Types of participation: this conference will be held mainly in-person. However, limited online spots are available for those living outside of Canada or in arrangement with GSRC Co-Chairs. 
  7. Types of submissions: This year’s OISE GSRC accepts several types of submissions: poster, paper/panel, roundtable and workshop sessions, and art/alternative methods of presenting.
  8. Your abstract may be submitted in a non-English language with an English translation to support the reviewing process. Your word count will not be penalized for including non-English languages.
  9. All abstracts must be submitted without author identification. Abstracts that fail to exclude author identification from the proposal or session summary will be disqualified.
  10. The majority of the program will consist of sessions selected through an open call for proposals and will be based on a peer-review process. The program will also include events such as invited keynote speakers, socials, and other planned events.
  11. Rules of submission: Submissions of abstract or session summaries may not exceed the word limits specified in the Submission Guideline section on this page. Failure to follow the related policies and/or procedures will result in submissions being removed from consideration.
  12. Ethics of submissions: All participants are expected to submit original thoughts and research which includes ethical language that is mindful of the negative effects this language may have on certain receiving audiences and/or communities (e.g., please avoid deficit language, extractive language, and/or pejorative language). 
  13. By submitting an abstract or session summary, you are making a commitment to register for the conference by February 15, 2023. Failure to do so will prevent you from participating in the program. Details on conference registration will be available at the OISE GSRC website by December 15.

Submission Guidelines

OISE GSRC submissions may fall under several different types of contributions, including: applied research (grounded in praxis), conceptual/theoretical research, empirical research, and artistic or alternative expression. To help with the submission, please review the Call for Proposals, including Thematic Guiding Questions, and the above mentioned policies.

Here you will find the link to the 2024 OISE GSRC Submission Form. Please ensure you remove all identifying information in individual and group abstract submissions. 


Presentation Modalities:


We will accept individual or group submissions. Group or individual submissions are all submitted as one application. All submissions must fall within the six modalities listed below. The initial abstract submitted will constitute the final abstract published in the program unless a revised abstract is submitted in consultation with OISE GSRC Co-Chairs.


1. Poster session (individual): 

Poster sessions enable students to briefly present their research as an informal presentation to an audience that will be circulating poster session displays. Poster sessions include a visual summary of a paper that will be on a display in a large area with other poster presenters. There will be no audio-visual equipment for poster presentations, however handouts by the presenters are encouraged. Presentations should be no longer than 5-7 minutes and presenters must be prepared to answer questions in an informal setting. Presenters may leave their posters in the conference gallery throughout the duration of the conference. Please note that it is the responsibility of the presenter to print accepted posters in time for the event. For support on designing a research poster, please consult GSRC Research Poster Guidelines.


Abstract for poster presentations must include: 

  • Title (15 words or less);

  • Brief description of the topic, methods, and findings;

  • 200 word limit.

Please ensure that your printed posters have the following elements: Introduction, Methods, Results/Analysis, Conclusion, References, Acknowledgements, Contact Information.


2. Roundtable (individual or group submission): 

Students can submit a proposal for an 8-10 minute individual roundtable presentation. Roundtable participation focuses on shorter presentations and increased discussion among participants. Each presenter will be assigned to a roundtable discussion with four to five other peers, based on their common themes or shared research interests. Alternatively, applicants may submit a group submission of 4-5 papers that connect in theme or interest. All participants sit at the round table for this session and no audio-visual equipment will be used. Attendees of the roundtable presentations may also be seated at the tables and participate in discussion.  The roundtable total length is 90 minutes: 40-50 minutes for presentations, followed by a group discussion. One presenter at the roundtable will be designated as a chair and will manage time and field questions for discussion.


Abstract for individual roundtable presentations must include: 

  • Title (15 words or less);

  • Brief summary of the presentation;

  • Methodology/Theoretical Framework(s);

  • Scholarly or scientific significance of the study or work;

  • 200 word limit.

Group submissions must include abstracts for each individual paper as outlined above and a description (500 words or less) which includes the group title and a roundtable summary demonstrating common themes across papers.


3. Paper presentations (individual): 

Students can submit individual paper proposals to present their dissertation, projects, and case-studies from the field. Upon acceptance, conference chairs will thoughtfully organize paper presentations into a panel with two to three other individual papers. The panel’s total length is 90 minutes, 60 minutes for individual paper presentations (12-15 minutes for each paper), followed by a question and answer session. Time allotment will not increase for co-authored papers; all authors must fit their presentations within the 12-15 minute limit. Each session will be assigned a chair who will moderate and monitor time.


Abstract for individual paper presentations must include: 

  • Title (15 words or less);

  • Objectives and/or Research Question(s);

  • Perspective(s) or Theoretical Framework(s);

  • Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry;

  • Preliminary results and/or substantiated conclusions (if applicable);

  • Scientific or scholarly significance of the study or work;

  • 250 word limit.


4. Panel presentation (group proposal): 

Students may propose a panel that consists of three to four individual paper presentations that hold thematic consistency. The panel’s total length is 90 minutes, 60 minutes for individual paper presentations (12-15 minutes for each paper), followed by a question and answer session. Time allotment will not increase for co-authored papers; all authors must fit their presentations within the 12-15 minute limit. Each session will be assigned a chair who will moderate and monitor time.


Abstract for individual paper presentations must include: 

  • Title (15 words or less);

  • Objectives and/or Research Question(s);

  • Perspective(s) or Theoretical Framework(s);

  • Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry;

  • Preliminary results and/or substantiated conclusions (if applicable);

  • Scientific or scholarly significance of the study or work;

  • 250 word limit.


Abstract for group panel submission must include: 

  • 15 words or fewer for the panel title;

  • 250 word panel proposal connecting all individual paper presentations along a thematic basis.

Abstracts for individual paper and abstract for group panel submission must be in one Word document.


5. Student-led workshop (individual or group): 

Students may propose a 1-hour workshop to lead a group discussion on a particular theme, engage the audience in experiential learning, or provide professional training. Examples include but are not limited to: research methodologies and/or tools (NVivo, SPSS, STRATA etc.), interdisciplinary work and expertise (bridging activism and academia, practitioner experience, community-based training, etc.), student experience (mental health strategies, navigating academia, student organizing, etc.) and/or special subjects and expertise that can be translated to research and praxis (toolkits for cultivating conversations, creative problem-solving, community-building activities, etc.).  


Abstracts for workshop submission must include:

  • Title (15 words or less);

  • Brief summary of the session (including objectives and overview);

  • Structure of the session; 

  • 250 word limit.


6. Artistic and/or other alternative modes of presenting (individual or group)

Students may propose exhibitions or performances of dance, visual/digital art, theater, music, and film related to the conference theme.


Abstracts for Art and alternative modes of presenting must include:

  • Title (15 words or less);

  • Objectives and overview of the session;

  • Ways of engaging with the audience;

  • List of requirements for performance (i.e. technical, space);

  • 100 word limit.


Review Criteria:

All submitted abstracts to the OISE GSRC must be anonymized in order to be reviewed by a team of peer-reviewers. We encourage all students to volunteer as peer-reviewers. Each submission will be reviewed by two volunteers. If a submission receives conflicting reviews, a committee review will take place. All submissions will be reviewed based on the outlined criteria in each modality description. Each outlined criteria will be evaluated on a four-point scale – 4 excellent, 3 good, 2 needs improvement, 1 poor.


Important Dates:

  1. Deadline for submissions: December 14, 2023 (EXTENDED) January 14th, 2024 at 23:59 EST.

  2. Notification letters: January 22, 2024.

  3. Deadline for conference registration for students participating in the program: February 15th, 2024.

  4. Period for conference registration for those not participating in the program: December 15, 2023. to March 12, 2024.