Publications & Resources

This is a list of key texts on applied theatre, pedagogy, youth studies, urban school research, school-based ethnographic research, anti-discriminatory education policy and practice, gender and identity construction. We update this list quarterly.

Published Books

New Book Alert!

Based on a six-year ethnographic research study taking place with teachers, artists, community leaders, and young people globally, and taking its lead from the following provocation —can performance become a site for new imaginaries for socio-ecological justice? —this book examines how artful engagement through drama pedagogies can open up more collective, critical, and hopeful forms of thinking and being.

This innovative and practical book offers pedagogical tools to show how drama can be used in educational settings to advance a relational, action-oriented, interdisciplinary, and creative climate education attuned to the social and emotional effects of the climate emergency.

The book is divided into two sections. The first part of the book, Local engagements and encounters, consists of chapters that conduct an in-depth appraisal of the local artistic work from each site, examining how matters of socio-ecological justice are given fresh urgency and complexity through the application of performance as pedagogy.

The second part of the book, Pedagogical and artistic innovations, offers substantive praxis chapters on the drama-based pedagogical methods employed in the research. In these chapters, the world-building capacities of theatre-making offer up new, performative pedagogical orientations to the climate emergency beyond those of critique.

This collection is valuable reading for scholars interested in the ontological and epistemological dimensions of the climate emergency, especially within and across the following fields: drama, theatre and performance studies, applied theatre and drama education, educational research, and children/childhood and youth studies. The book also invites a readership of teachers and teacher-educators who are interested in applying drama pedagogies in the classroom to explore matters of socio-ecological justice and the climate crisis.


Book Award!

Hope in a Collapsing World wins the American Alliance of Theatre and Education Distinguished Book Award!

Interview with 

Dr. Gallagher

A space of ‘survivable failure’:

Read an interview with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher on her new book

Global Youth Citizenry and Radical Hope: Enacting Community-Engaged Research through Performative Methodologies

Gallagher, K., Rodricks, D.J., & Jacobson, K. (Eds.). (2020). Global Youth Citizenry and Radical Hope: Enacting Community-Engaged Research through Performative Methodologies. Singapore: Springer. Perspectives on Children and Young People Series.

Why theatre matters: urban youth, engagement, and a pedagogy of the real

Gallagher, K. (2014). Why theatre matters: urban youth, engagement, and a pedagogy of the real. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press. (295 pages).

The methodological dilemma: Creative, critical and collaborative approaches to qualitative research

Gallagher, K. (Ed.). (2008). The Methodological Dilemma: Creative, Critical and Collaborative Approaches to Qualitative Research. New York, London: Routledge Falmer. (260 pages).

The methodological dilemma revisited: Creative, critical and collaborative approaches to qualitative research for a new era

Gallagher, K. (Ed.). (2018). The methodological dilemma revisited: Creative, critical and collaborative approaches to qualitative research for a new era. London and New York: Routledge. (220 pages).

The theatre of urban: Youth and schooling in dangerous times

Gallagher, K. (2007). The Theatre of Urban: Youth and Schooling in Dangerous Times. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press. (222 pages).

How theatre educates: Convergences and counterpoints with artists, scholars and advocates

Gallagher, K. and Booth, D. (Eds.). (2003). How Theatre Educates: Convergences and Counterpoints with Artists, Scholars and Advocates. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press. (282 pages).

In defence of theatre: aesthetic practices and social interventions 

Gallagher, K. and Freeman, B. (Eds.). (2016). In defence of theatre: aesthetic practices and social interventions. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press. (328 pages).

Drama and theatre in urban contexts

Gallagher, K. and Neelands, J. (Eds.). (2013). Drama and Theatre in Urban Contexts. London: Routledge. (165 pages).

Drama education in the lives of girls: Imagining possibilities

Gallagher, K. (2000). Drama Education in the Lives of Girls: Imagining Possibilities. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press. (155 pages).

"Young people learn best in and from the worlds they inhabit. The best drama curriculum gets its life force from those worlds." 
-Dr. Gallagher

Students sitting on the floor in a circle with their teacher in Coventry, England
Drama circle in Coventry, England

Book Chapters

On the Importance of Big Umbrellas: Applied Theatre as Hopeful Practice in Precarious Times

Gallagher, K. (2022). On the Importance of Big Umbrellas: Applied Theatre as Hopeful Practice in Precarious Times, (pp.36-40). In  Busby, S., Freebody, K., & Rajendran, C. (Eds.).  The Routledge companion to theatre and young people. Routledge, London.

Making and appreciating theatre: Lessons in ethical relationality and prototype expansion

Gallagher, K. & Mealy, S. (2021). Making and appreciating theatre: Lessons in ethical relationality and prototype expansion. In J. Roberts-Smith, S. Ruecker, & M. Radzikowska (Eds.), Proposals for better futures: Prototyping across the disciplines. 

Art, collaboration, and youth research in a collapsing world: Conceiving and enacting a multi-vocal research project in the borderland of the real and the imagined. 

Art, collaboration, and youth research in a collapsing world: Conceiving and enacting a multi-vocal research project in the borderland of the real and the imagined. In K. Gallagher, D.J. Rodricks, & K. Jacobson (Eds.). Global youth citizenry and radical hope: Enacting community-engaged research through performative methodologies (pp. 23-45). Singapore: Springer Series on Children and Young People. 

Performing a living museum of memories: beholding young people’s experiences and expressions of care through documentary theatre-making and oral history performance

Gallagher, K. & King, R. (2020). Performing a living museum of memories: beholding young people’s experiences and expressions of care through documentary theatre-making and oral history performance. In A. S. Fisher, & J. Thompson (Eds.) Performing Care.

A situated, ethical, imaginative doing and being in the encounter of research. 

Gallagher, K., J. Rodricks and K. Jacobson (2020). A situated, ethical, imaginative doing and being in the encounter of research. In K. Gallagher, D.J. Rodricks, & K. Jacobson (Eds.). Global youth citizenry and radical hope: Enacting community-engaged research through performative methodologies (pp. 1-20). Singapore: Springer Series on Children and Young People.

Staying the course and ‘here to question’: Envisioning education at Tarragon Theatre as an integral goal and a reciprocal practice

Gallagher, K. & Wessels, A. (2019). Staying the course and ‘here to question’: Envisioning education at Tarragon Theatre as an integral goal and a reciprocal practice. In M. Anderson, & M. Finneran (Eds.), Education and theatres: Innovation, outreach and success. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Love, time, reflexivity and the methodological imaginary. 

Gallagher, K. (2018). Love, time reflexivity and the methodological imaginary. In. K. Gallagher (ed). The Methodological Dilemma: creative, critical, and collaborative approaches to qualitative research. New York, London: Routledge.

Learning on the ground: How our research stories teach us about ethics

Gallagher, K. & Sallis, R. (2018). Learning on the ground: How our research stories teach us about ethics. In P. Duffy, R. Sallis, & C. Hatton (Eds.), Drama research methods: Provocations of practice. Sense Publications.

An ecology of care:  Relationships and responsibility through the constitutive and creative acts of oral history theatre-making in local communities shouldering global crises

Gallagher, K., Cardwell, N. & Rodricks, D.J. (2018). An ecology of care:  Relationships and responsibility through the constitutive and creative acts of oral history theatre-making in local communities shouldering global crises. In A. Harris, P. Thomson, & K. Snepvangers (Eds.), Creativity education: Policies, partnerships and ecologies (pp. 307-329). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Creating a self: Towards a theory of selfhood, relationality, and youth as cultural producers

Gallagher, K & Mealey, S. (2018). Creating a self: Towards a theory of selfhood, relationality, and youth as cultural producers. In Suzanne Burgoyne (Ed.), Creativity theory and action in theatre and drama education (pp. 133-152). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 

Queridos amigos en Bogotá 

Gallagher, K. (2017). Queridos amigos en Bogotá (trans. Jorge Arcila). In A. Cortés Salcedo, & J. Arcila (Eds), Uaque: Práticas, éticas, estéticas e afectivas para la con-vivencia escolar. Bogotá Mejor: Para Todos.

Politics and Presence: A Theatre of Affective Encounters

Gallagher, K. (2016). Politics and Presence: A Theatre of Affective Encounters (pp. 67-82). In Gallagher, K., & B. Freeman (Eds.) In defence of theatre: Aesthetic practices and social interventions. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press. 

Introduction: Taking a Step Back

Freeman, B. and Gallagher, K. (2016). Introduction: Taking a Step Back. (pp. 3-18). In Gallagher, K., & B. Freeman (Eds.) In defence of theatre: Aesthetic practices and social interventions. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press.        

The Micro-political and the Socio-Structural in Applied Theatre with Homeless Youth

Gallagher, K. (2016). The Micro-political and the Socio-Structural in Applied Theatre with Homeless Youth. In H. Nicholson & J. Hughes (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Applied Theatre. Cambridge University Press.                

Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Research: Affect and Reason by Way of Imagination 

Gallagher, K. (2016). Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Research: Affect and Reason by Way of Imagination. In M. Zembylas & P. Schutz (Eds.), Methodological advances in research on emotion and education. Springer. 

The Middle Place: Creating Intimacy with an Audience

Gallagher, K (2016). The Middle Place: Creating Intimacy with an Audience. In H. Fitzsimmons-Frey (ed.) Ignite: Illuminating Theatre for Young People (pp. 3-10). Toronto: Canada Playwrights Press.

Voix citoyennes dans un monde en crise

Gallagher, K. (2016). Voix citoyennes dans un monde en crise. Théâtre et éducation dans le monde: De nouveaux territoires d’utopies (pp. 41-47). Paris: Lansman Editeur. 

Like a River…

Gallagher, K. (2015). Like a river… Foreword for Carter, M. M. Prendergast & G. Belliveau (eds.) Drama, Theatre and Performance Education in Canada: Classroom and Community Contexts. Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Canadian Society for the Study of Education. PolyGraph Ebook. ISBN: 978-0-9947451-1-8 Online 2015.

Performing Patriarchy: Indian Girls (En)Gender a Social Imaginary

Gallagher, K. (2015). Performing Patriarchy: Indian girls (en)gender a social imaginary. In. J. Kennelly, & S. R. Poyntz (Eds.), A Phenomenology of Youth Cultures: Meaning and Retrieval in an Era of Globalization. SUNY Press.

Chasing Change: Drama Education, Applied Theatre and the Ecology of Social Change

Gallagher, K. (2015). Chasing Change: Drama Education, Applied Theatre and the ecology of social change. In H. Fitzsimmons-Fry, & A. Babayants (Eds.), Theatre and Learning. Cambridge University Press.

Poetry, Metaphor and Performance: Literacy as a Philosophical Act

Gallagher, K. (i2015). Poetry, metaphor and performance: Literacy as a philosophical act. In J. Rowsell and K. Paul. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Literacy Studies. Routledge.

The Place of Bodies in the Order of Things

Gallagher, K. (2015). The place of bodies in the order of things. Forward in M. Perry, & C. Medina (Eds.), Methodologies of Embodiment: (In)scribing Bodies in Qualitative Research. New York: Routledge.                

Responsible Art and Unequal Societies: Towards a Theory of Drama and the Justice Agenda

Gallagher, K. (2015). Responsible Art and Unequal Societies: Towards a Theory of Drama and the Justice Agenda. In M, Finneran & K. Freebody (Eds.), Drama & Social Justice: Theory, research and practice in international contexts. Routledge. 

Drama and the Literacy of Lives in Progress

Gallagher, K. (2015). Drama and the Literacy of Lives in Progress. In Rowsell, J. and Sefton-Green, J. (Eds.) Revisiting Learning Lives: longitudinal perspectives on researching learning and literacy (pp. 164-182). New York: Routledge.

On the Pedagogical Importance of (Not) Knowing the Other: Listening, Risk, Drama and Difference

Gallagher, K & B. Yaman Ntelioglou. (2013). On the pedagogical importance of (not) knowing the other: Listening, risk, drama and difference. In M. Anderson & J. Dunn (Eds.), How Drama Activates Learning: Contemporary Research and Practice (pp. 94-108). London: Continuum, Bloomsbury Academic.

(Lesbian) M/Otherhood as Contradiction: Love, Sexuality, and other (Imagined) Wonders

Gallagher, K. (2012). (Lesbian) M/Otherhood as Contradiction: Love, Sexuality, and other (Imagined) Wonders. In S. Springgay, D. Freedman, & N. Jolly (Eds.), M/othering a bodied curriculum: Theories and practices of relational teaching (pp. 207-220). Toronto, London, Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.

Conceptual, Epistemological and Methodological Challenges in Hypermedia Ethnography: A Boon for Ethnographic Analysis

Gallagher, K. & Freeman, B. (2012). Conceptual, epistemological and methodological challenges in hypermedia ethnography: A boon for ethnographic analysis. In S. M. Silva & P. Landri (Eds.), Rethinking education ethnography: Researching on-line communities and interactions (ISBN: 978-989-8471-04-8). Porto: CIIE – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas.

Imagining Drama/Theatre and the Arts

Gallagher, K. (2012). A re-publication of Gallagher, K. (2005). Imagining Drama/Theatre and the Arts. In Leithwood, McAdie, Bascia and Rodrigue (Eds.), Teaching for Deep Understanding: Towards the Ontario curriculum that we need. Toronto: Corwin Press. (To be republished in R. Purnima International Perspectives on Theatre Arts. India.)

Putting Inner City Students First: Six Case Studies

Gallagher, K., R. Riviere, J. Flessa, J. Cummins, C. Fusco, S. Niyozov, & S. Stille. (2011). Putting Inner City Students First: Six Case Studies. In M. Evans & C. Rolheiser (Eds.), Inquiry into Practice (pp. 108-122).

Theatre as Methodology or, What Experimentation Affords Us
Gallagher, K. (2011). Theatre as Methodology or, What Experimentation Affords Us. In Schonmann S. (Ed.), Key Concepts in Theatre/Drama Education (pp. 327-331). Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publications.

Ethnography in School-Based, Performance Research: A Conversation with Kathleen Gallagher

Gallagher, K. (2010). Ethnography in school-based, performance research: A conversation with Kathleen Gallagher. In P. Thompson and J. Sefton-Greene (Eds.), Researching Creative Learning: Methods and approaches (pp. 71-78). London: Routledge.


Gallagher, K (2008). Introduction. In Gallagher, K. (Ed.) The Methodological Dilemma: Creative, Collaborative and Critical Approaches to Qualitative Research (pp. 1-8). London, New York: Routledge.

The Art of Methodology
Gallagher, K. (2008). The art of methodology. In Gallagher, K. (Ed.), The Methodological Dilemma: Creative, Collaborative and Critical Approaches to Qualitative Research (pp. 67-81). London, New York: Routledge.

Moving Towards Postcolonial Methods in Qualitative Research: Contexts, Cameras, and Relationships

Gallagher, K. and I. Kim (2008) Moving Towards Postcolonial Methods in Qualitative Research: Contexts, Cameras, and Relationships. In Gallagher, K. (Ed.), The Methodological Dilemma: Creative, Collaborative and Critical Approaches to Qualitative Research (pp. 103-120). London, New York: Routledge.

Excerpt from and new introduction to The Theatre of Urban: Youth and Schooling in Dangerous Times
Gallagher, K. (2008). Excerpt from and new introduction to The Theatre of Urban: Youth and Schooling in Dangerous Times. In B. Barton (Ed.), Collective Creation, Collaboration and Devising. Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre in English Volume 15. (pp. 182-189). Series General Editor: Ric Knowles. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press.

Building Theories of Their Lives: Youth Engaged in Drama Research
Gallagher, K. and Lortie, P. (2007). Building Theories of Their Lives: Youth Engaged in Drama Research. Thiessen, D. and Cooke-Sather, A. (Eds.), International Handbook of Student Experience in Elementary and Secondary School (pp. 405-438). Springer Publishing.

Conceptions of Creativity in Drama Education
Gallagher, K. (2007). Conceptions of Creativity in Drama Education. In Bresler, L. (Ed.), International Handbook of Research in Arts Education (pp. 1229-1240). Springer Publishing.

(Post) Critical Ethnography in Drama Research
Gallagher, K. (2006). Critical Ethnography in Drama Research. In Ackroyd, J. (Ed.), Research Methodologies for Drama Education (pp. 63-80). London: Trentham Books.

La Fin de Siecle and the Pull of Opposites
Gallagher, K. (2005). La Fin de Siecle and the Pull of Opposites. In MacDonald, A. Belle moral: A natural history (pp. 3-10). Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press and the Academy of the Shaw Festival. Second edition by Vintage. Reprinted in the Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia.

Imagining Drama/Theatre and the Arts
Gallagher, K. (2005). Imagining Drama/Theatre and the Arts. In Leithwood, McAdie, Bascia and Rodrigue (Eds.), Teaching for Deep Understanding: Towards the Ontario Curriculum That We Need. Toronto: Corwin Press.

Emergent Conceptions in Theatre Pedagogy and Production
Gallagher, K. (2003). Emergent Conceptions in Theatre Pedagogy and Production. In How Theatre Educates: Convergences and Counterpoints with Artists, Scholars and Advocates (pp. 3-13). Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press.

Girls in the Company of Girls: Social relations and identity construction in single-sex drama education
Gallagher, K. (2002). Girls in the Company of Girls: Social relations and identity construction in single-sex drama education. In Datnow, E. and L. Hubbard (Eds.), Gender in Policy and Practice: Perspectives on Single Sex and Coeducational Schooling (pp. 264-279). New York: Routledge Falmer.

Theater and Drama
Gallagher, K. (2002). Theater and Drama. In Robert Kastenbaum (Ed.), Two-Volume Encyclopedia of Death and Dying (vol. 2) (pp. 888-891). New York: Macmillan Reference USA. 

Girls, Experience, and Voice
Gallagher, K. (1998). Girls, Experience, and Voice. In Booth, D. and Neelands, J. (Eds.), Writing in Role: Classroom projects connecting writing and drama (pp. 141-154). Hamilton: Caliburn Enterprises, Inc. 

Tainan rehearsal in action

Drama studio in Tainan

"Theatre unfolds on a human scale. It’s the thing we can’t get with a documentary film or tv show. Theatre allows us to have encounters that would be otherwise impossible in the same room." 
- Andrew Kushnir

Refereed Articles

The virtual as a performance venue in site-specific theatre: curating theatre research and liveness through the digital real.

Gallagher, K., Valve, L. and Tripathi, M. (under review). The virtual as a performance venue in site-specific theatre: curating theatre research and liveness through the digital real. Canadian Studies in Literature. Special Issue Trends in Drama and Performance.

Harnessing speculative fiction to reimagine and rewrite our relationships to the climate crisis and the future of our local environments. 

Gallagher, K., Allen, A. and Balt, C. (accepted). Harnessing speculative fiction to reimagine and rewrite our relationships to the climate crisis and the future of our local environments. Research in Drama Education: the journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. Special Issue.

Trans/Queer Representation and Drama: engendering new forms of empathy and relationality.

Gallagher, K. and T. Gokyilmaz (2023). Trans/Queer Representation and Drama: engendering new forms of empathy and relationality. Research in Drama Education: the journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. 28 (3): 442-459.

Losing and Finding Community in Drama: A Methodology-in-Motion for Pandemic Times. 

Gallgher, K., Cardwell, N., and Tripathi, M. (2022) Losing and Finding Community in Drama: A Methodology-in-Motion for Pandemic Times. LEARNing Landscapes Journal. 15 (1): 159-173. Special Issue in Arts-based Performances, Perspectives and Approaches in Research and Pedagogy.

Arts-led, youth-driven methodology and social impact: “making what we need” in times of crisis. 

Gallagher, K., Balt, C., Cardwell, N., & Valve, L. (2022). Arts-led, youth-driven methodology and social impact: “making what we need” in times of crisis. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,  (ahead-of-print), 1–16.

The Ecology of Global, Collaborative Ethnography: Metho-pedagogical Moves in Research on Climate Change with Youth in Pandemic Times.  

Gallagher, K, N. Cardwell, D. Denichaud, and L. Valve (2022). The Ecology of Global, Collaborative Ethnography: Metho-pedagogical Moves in Research on Climate Change with Youth in Pandemic Times. Ethnography and Education.

Census-Taking and Theatre-Making: Real and Imagined Perceptions and Experiences of School and Neighbourhood Safety for White and Racialized Youth.

Gallagher, K, L. Valve and D. Rodricks (2021). Census-Taking and Theatre-Making: Real and Imagined Perceptions and Experiences of School and Neighbourhood Safety for White and Racialized Youth. Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies.

Building new publics: Using agile, community-engaged, and applied theatre methodologies as social intervention in audience research.

Gallagher, K, L. Valve and C. Balt (2021). Building new publics: Using agile, community-engaged, and applied theatre methodologies as social intervention in audience research. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance.

Vulnerability, care and hope in audience research: theatre as a site of struggle for an intergenerational politics


Gallagher, K., C. Balt and L. Valve (2021). Vulnerability, care and hope in audience research: theatre as a site of struggle for an intergenerational politics. Studies in Theatre and Performance, DOI: 10.1080/14682761.2020.1862998


The Aesthetics of Towards Youth: Making relations in and through theatre. 

Gallagher, K. and A. Kushnir (2020). The Aesthetics of Towards Youth: Making Relations in and through Theatre. Theatre Research in Canada, 41 (2): 204-220. DOI: 10.3138/tric.41.2.a01

Response to COVID-19 – losing and finding one another in drama: personal geographies, digital spaces and new intimacies

Gallagher, K, C. Balt, N. Cardwell & B. Charlebois (2020) Response to COVID-19 – losing and finding one another in drama: personal geographies, digital spaces and new intimacies, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance

Performing care: Re-imagining gender, personhood, and education justice

Gallagher, K. & Sahni, U. (2019). Performing care: Re-imagining gender, personhood, and educational justice. Gender and Education. DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2019.1609652

A Review of Urban Youth Policy 1960s-2010s

Rodricks, D.J., Gallagher, K., Fusco, C., De Lissio, A., Di Carlo, D., Haag, J., Wortley, S., & McCready, L. (2018). A Review of Urban Youth Policy 1960s-2010s. Research Paper Series, 243, 1-77.

Accuracy and ethics, feelings and failures: Youth experimenting with documentary practices of performing reality.

Gallagher, K., Jacobson, K., & Mealey, S. (2018).  Accuracy and ethics, feelings and failures: Youth experimenting with documentary practices of performing reality. Theatre Research in Canada. 39(1): 58-76.

A Reconsideration of Social Innovation: Drama Pedagogies and Youth Perspectives on Creative and Social Relations in Canadian Schooling

Gallagher, K. (2018). A reconsideration of social innovation: Drama pedagogies and youth perspectives on creative and social relations in Canadian schooling. Canadian Journal of Education, 41(1), 1-23.

Beyond mimesis to an assemblage of reals in the drama classroom: which reals? Which representational aesthetics? What theatre-building practices? Whose truths?

Gallagher, K., & Jacobson, K. (2017). Beyond mimesis to an assemblage of reals in the drama classroom: which reals? Which representational aesthetics? What theatre-building practices? Whose truths? RiDE: Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, Online, 1-16. 

Hope despite hopelessness: Race, gender, and the pedagogies of drama/applied theatre as a relational ethic in neoliberal times

Gallagher, K., & Rodricks, D. J. (2017). Hope despite hopelessness: Race, gender, and the pedagogies of drama/applied theatre as a relational ethic in neoliberal times. Youth Theatre Journal, 31(2), 114-128.

The gendered labor of social innovation: Theatre, pedagogy, and the girl-child in India

Gallagher, K. (2017). The gendered labor of social innovation: Theatre, pedagogy, and the girl-child in India. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 1-16.

Drama in education and applied theatre, from morality and socialization to play and post-colonialism

Gallagher, K. Rhoades, R. Bie, S and Cardwell, N. (2017). Drama in education and applied theatre, from morality and socialization to play and post-colonialism. In G. Noblit (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Performing to understand: Cultural wealth, precarity, and shelter-dwelling youth 

Gallagher, K. and Rodricks, D. (2017). Performing to Understand: Cultural Wealth, Precarity, and Shelter-dwelling Youth. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. Special Issue. 

Performing counter-narratives and mining creative resilience: using applied theatre to theorize notions of youth resilience

Gallagher, K., Starkman, R., & Rhoades, R. (2017). Performing counter-narratives and mining creative resilience: using applied theatre to theorize notions of youth resilience. Journal of Youth Studies, 20(2), 216-233.

Can a classroom be a family? Race, space, and the labour of care in urban teaching

Gallagher, K. (2016). Can a classroom be a family? Race, space, and the labour of care in urban teaching. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l’éducation, 39(2), 1-36.

The social habitus of drama: the Ontario drama curriculum in theory and practice

Gallagher, K. (2016). The social habitus of drama: the Ontario drama curriculum in theory and practice. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 21(1), 20-36.   

Beckoning hope and care

Gallagher, K. (2015). Beckoning hope and care. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. 20 (3): 422-425. Special Issue: 20th Anniversary Issue: Looking Back and Looking Forward. 

Theatres of affect. Edited by Erin Hurley. New Essays on Canadian Theatre, Vol. IV. Toronto, ON: Playwrights Canada Press, 2014.

Gallagher, K. (2015). Theatres of affect. Edited by Erin Hurley. New Essays on Canadian Theatre, Vol. IV. Toronto, ON: Playwrights Canada Press, 2014. Theatre Research International, 40(2): 206-207.

All gender is a performance, all performance gendered

Gallagher, K. (2014). All gender is a performance, all performance gendered. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 1-3.

“Listening to the affective life of injustice”: Drama pedagogy, race, identity and learning

Gallagher, K. and Wessels, A. and Yaman Ntelioglou, B. (2013). “Listening to the Affective Life of Injustice”: Drama pedagogy, race, identity and learning. Youth Theatre Journal, 27: 7-19.

Between the frames: Youth spectatorship and theatre as curated, ‘unruly’ pedagogical space

Gallagher, K. and Wessels, A. (2013). Between the frames: Youth spectatorship and theatre as curated, ‘unruly’ pedagogical space. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 18(1): 25-43.

Becoming a networked public: Digital ethnography, youth, and global research collectives

Gallagher, K. and Wessels, A. and Yaman Ntelioglou, B. (2013). Becoming a networked public: Digital ethnography, youth, and global research collectives. Ethnography and Education. Special Issue: Investigating Ethnography, Netography, On-line sites and communities, 8(2): 177-193.

Verbatim theatre and social research: Turning towards the stories of others 

Gallagher, K. and Wessels, A. and Yaman Ntelioglou, B. (2012). Verbatim Theatre and Social Research: Turning towards the stories of others. Theatre Research in Canada, 33(1): 24-43.

Multi-site ethnography, hypermedia, and the productive hazards of digital methods: a struggle for liveness 

Gallagher, K. and Freeman, B. (2011). Multi-site ethnography, hypermedia, and the productive hazards of digital methods: a struggle for liveness. Ethnography and Education, 6(3): 357-373.

Roma refugee youth and applied theatre: Imagining a future vernacular

Gallagher, K. (2011). Roma Refugee Youth and Applied Theatre: Imagining a future vernacular. NJ (National Journal of Drama Australia), 35: 1-12.

Emergent pedagogy and affect in collaborative research: A metho-pedagogical paradigm 

Gallagher, K. and Wessels, A. (2011). Emergent Pedagogy and Affect in Collaborative Research: A metho-pedagogical paradigm. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 19(2): 239-258.

Which new literacies?: Dialogue and performance in youth writing

Gallagher, K. and Yaman Ntelioglou, B. (2011). Which new literacies?: Dialogue and performance in youth writing. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 54(5): 322-330.

In search of a theoretical basis for storytelling in education research: Story as method 

Gallagher, K. (2011). In Search of a theoretical basis for storytelling in education research: Story as method. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 33(1): 49-61.

Off the beaten track: A reflection on intention and unpredictability in arts education research 

Gallagher, K. (2010). Off the Beaten Track: A reflection on intention and unpredictability in arts education research. Encounters on Education, 11: 35-43.

Applied theatre at the heart of educational reform: An impact and sustainability analysis

Gallagher, K. and Service, I. (2010). Applied theatre at the heart of educational reform: An impact and sustainability analysis. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15(2): 235-253.

“It could have been so much better”: The aesthetic and social work of theatre 

Gallagher, K. and Freeman, B. and Wessels, A. (2009). “It could have been so much better”: The aesthetic and social work of theatre. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15(1): 5-27. (Routledge Class of 2011. Most downloaded article in category Literacy, Languages and Performing Arts)

Theatre pedagogy and performed research: Respectful forgeries and faithful betrayals

Gallagher, K. (2008). Theatre Pedagogy and Performed Research: Respectful forgeries and faithful betrayals. Theatre Research in Canada, 28(2): 105-119.

When drama praxis rocks the boat: Struggles of subjectivity, audience and performance

Gallagher, K. and Riviere, D. (2007). When Drama Praxis Rocks the Boat: Struggles of subjectivity, audience and performance. Research in Drama Education, 12(3): 319-330.

Contesting space and power through digital drama research: Colonial histories, postcolonial interrogations.

Gallagher, K. and Kim, I. (2007). Contesting Space and Power through Digital Drama Research: Colonial histories, postcolonial interrogations. Caribbean Quarterly, 53(1&2): 115-126.

I.D.ology and the technologies of public (school) space: An ethnographic inquiry into the neo-liberal tactics of social (re)production

Gallagher, K and Fusco, C. (2006). I.D.ology and the Technologies of Public (School) Space: An ethnographic inquiry into the neo-liberal tactics of social (re)production. Ethnography and Education, 1(3): 301-318.

Sexual fundamentalism and performances of masculinity:  An ethnographic scene study

Gallagher, K. (2006). Sexual Fundamentalism and Performances of Masculinity:  An ethnographic scene study. International Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education, 4(1): 47-76.

The aesthetics of representation: Dramatic texts and dramatic engagement 

Gallagher, K. (2005). The Aesthetics of Representation: Dramatic texts and dramatic engagement. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 39(4), 83-95.

“How does knowin’ my business make you any safer?”: Critical pedagogy in dangerous times 

Gallagher, K. and Lortie, P. (2005). “How does knowin’ my business make you any safer?”: Critical pedagogy in dangerous times. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 27(2): 141-158.

The art and politics of qualitative research in drama education: Creating culture, representing ‘reality’ 

Gallagher, K. (2004). The Art and Politics of Qualitative Research in Drama Education: Creating culture, representing ‘reality’. Drama Research, 4(1): 3-18.

Pink…with shades of grey: Mediating moments of diversity in urban secondary classrooms 

Gallagher, K. and Riviere, D. (2004). Pink…with Shades of Grey: Mediating moments of diversity in urban secondary classrooms. Westminster Studies in Education (now called International Journal of Research Method in Education) Special Issue: Interactive and Inclusive Pedagogy, 27 (2): 127-141.

Theories of the stage, social projects, and drama’s pedagogies

Gallagher, K. (2003). Theories of the Stage, Social Projects, and Drama’s Pedagogies. International Drama in Education/Applied Theatre Researcher Journal, 4. 

Dramatic Arenas for Ethical Stories

Gallagher, K. (2002). Dramatic Arenas for Ethical Stories. Resources in Feminist Research (RFR), 29(3&4): 167-176.

The staging of qualitative research: Authorship, ownership and artistic expression in social science inquiry

Gallagher, K. (2001). The Staging of Qualitative Research: Authorship, ownership and artistic expression in social science inquiry. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (JCT), 17(3): 145-156.

Being in the world with Drama: Interrogated identification

Gallagher, K. (2001). Being in the World with Drama: Interrogated identification. Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies University of Toronto, 6: 1-22.

Action Research in the Intermediate Classroom: Learning history through drama

Gallagher, K. and Blaney, J. (2001). Action Research in the Intermediate Classroom: Learning history through drama. Drama Research, 2: 49-69.

Tabula Rasa: Starting afresh with classroom drama 

Gallagher, K. (2001). Tabula Rasa: Starting afresh with classroom drama. Applied Theatre Researcher, 2.

The everyday classroom as problematic: A feminist pedagogy

Gallagher, K. (2000). The Everyday Classroom as Problematic: A feminist pedagogy. Curriculum Inquiry, 30(1): 71-81.

Interrupting “truths,” engaging perspectives, and enlarging the concept of “human” in classroom drama

Gallagher, K. (2000). Interrupting “Truths,” Engaging Perspectives, and Enlarging the Concept of “Human” in Classroom Drama. Youth Theatre Journal. (University of Arizona), 14(1): 13-25.

The influence of drama education on the action of curriculum

Gallagher, K. (1999). The Influence of Drama Education on the Action of Curriculum. Curriculum and Teaching: International Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 14(1): 21-29.

Essentially Different: Creative drama and the politics of experience in girls’ education

Gallagher, K. (1997). Essentially Different: Creative drama and the politics of experience in girls’ education. National Journal of Drama in Education (NJ), 21(2): 17-31.