Seminar Webcasts
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Our Great Work of Transformation: Anticipating the Symbiocene Era
Dr. Elizabeth Lange will detail some of the new “stories,” principles and practices of transformative teaching for sustainability and climate justice.

Toward Transnational & Trans-Disciplinary Possibilities of Socio-Environmental Justices - Dr. Miwa Aoki Takeuchi
252 Bloor Street West Toward Transnational & Trans-Disciplinary Possibilities of Socio-Environmental Justices - Dr. Miwa Aoki Takeuchi

Curricularizing Conflict for Constructive Democratic Peacebuilding Pedagogies in Initial Teacher Education: A Chilean Perspective
252 Bloor Street West CIDEC - CTL Co-Sponsored Seminar

Beyond the classroom: The struggle for refugee teacher professionalization amidst national inclusion efforts
Presenter: Dr. Mary Mendenhall (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Chair: Dr. Francine Menashy
Chair: Dr. Francine Menashy

Educational Collaboration between Canada and China: A Shared History and Future Directions
OISE Room 7-105 Presenters: Profs. Guo Jin (Soochow University) and Doug McDougall (OISE/CTL)
Chair: Dr. Ruth Hayhoe
Chair: Dr. Ruth Hayhoe

Teachers in the Global Cultural Dynamic: Regionality and Regional Models
Nexus Lounge, OISE Co-sponsored with Munk School of Global Affairs’ Initiative for Education Policy and Innovation.
Presenter: Dr. Gerald K. LeTendre (Pennsylvania State University)
Chair: Dr. Rie Kijima
Presenter: Dr. Gerald K. LeTendre (Pennsylvania State University)
Chair: Dr. Rie Kijima

All you ever wanted to know about preparing for and attending conferences
Presenters: Dr. Kara Janigan & Dr. Vandra Masemann
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion

Designed for disruption: A comparative case study of Karen teacher professional development on the Thai-Myanmar border
Presenter: Greg Tyrosvoutis (EdD Candidate, LHAE/IELP, OISE)
Chair: Carly Manion
Chair: Carly Manion

OISE Room 7-105 Co-sponsored with Centre for Leadership and Diversity/CLD
Presenters: Chantelle Haughton and Dr. Susan Davis, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
Presenters: Chantelle Haughton and Dr. Susan Davis, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion

Higher Education and the Future of Sustainable Development: Critical Perspectives and Implications for Practice
Nexus Lounge, OISE Co-sponsored with Centre for the Study of Canadian and International Higher Education (CIHE) and OISE Scan
Speakers: Drs. Elizabeth Buckner, OISE/University of Toronto; You Zhang, OISE/University of Toronto; Tristan McCowan, Institute of Education, University College London; Pedro Roberto Jacobi, Institute of Energy and Environment, Universidade de São Paulo; Denise Carreira Soares, Faculty of Education, Universidade de São Paulo
Speakers: Drs. Elizabeth Buckner, OISE/University of Toronto; You Zhang, OISE/University of Toronto; Tristan McCowan, Institute of Education, University College London; Pedro Roberto Jacobi, Institute of Energy and Environment, Universidade de São Paulo; Denise Carreira Soares, Faculty of Education, Universidade de São Paulo