Hilary Inwood
Dr. Hilary Inwood teaches in the Master of Teaching program at OISE, and leads OISE’s Sustainability & Climate Action Network. Her teaching, research, and artistic practice focuses on centring the critical importance of education in helping to address the climate crisis. She coordinates a partnership between OISE and the TDSB's Sustainability Office focused on professional learning in Environmental & Sustainability Education (ESE) and and Climate Change Education. Hilary is part of the organizing team for a new Community of Practice on Sustainability Teaching for UofT, and a co-founder of a national network that aims to better embed ESE into teacher education. Her teaching centres on art education, ESE, qualitative research, and teaching methods, while her research focuses on developing teachers' knowledge and skills in environmental literacy and environmental art education. She has been an instructor for Additional Qualification courses in environmental learning at OISE for the past decade, and delivers keynotes and professional learning workshops for K-12 teachers focused on cross-curricular approaches to ESE and Climate Change Education.
Academic Positions
Coordinator, Sustainability & Climate Action NetworkOISE, Office of the Dean Sep 2009 - Present
Coordinator, OISE Partnership with the Toronto District School Board Sustainability OfficeOISE, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Sep 2017 - Present
Course Curriculum & Design Leader, Elementary Arts & HPE CoursesOISE, Master of Teaching Program Sep 2018 - Present
LecturerOISE, University of Toronto, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Sep 2002 - Present
PhD, Art EducationConcordia University,
Montreal QC
Canada -
M.Ed, Curriculum & PedagogyOntario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE),
Toronto ON
Canada -
MA, Art HistoryYork University,
Toronto ON
Canada -
Honours BA, Art History & Fine ArtsUniversity of Western Ontario,
London ON
Scholarly & Creative Works
This is a selected list of recent Scholarly & Creative Works; for a full listing please visit Hilary’s personal website (link at the top).
Comparing policy and practice on Education for Sustainable Development in initial teacher education across four countries2021, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.N. Evans, H. Inwood, E. Arlemalm-Hagser, & B. Christie
Growing Action Research on Environmental Learning in Schools: A School-University Partnership2021, Educational Action ResearchH. Inwood
Special Issue: Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education2020, Canadian Journal of Environmental EducationH. Inwood, D. Karrow & L. Sims
Emerging Praxis of Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education in Canada, 54(4).2020, Journal of Philosophy in EducationInwood, H.
Innovative Praxis for Environmental Learning in Canadian Faculties of Education2021, Australian Journal of Environmental EducationH. Inwood, L. Sims, P. Elliott, & S. Gerofsky
Conceptualizing Art Education as Environmental Activism in Preservice Teacher Education2020, International Journal of Art & Design EducationH. Inwood & A. Kennedy
Creating a Climate of Change: Professional Development in Environmental & Sustainability Education2020, Canadian Journal of Environmental EducationH. Inwood & A. Kennedy
Growing Innovative Approaches to Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education Programmes. In Karrow, D. & DiGiuseppe, M. (Eds.) Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education.2019, SpringerH. Inwood
Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education Programs: Canadian Perspectives. In Karrow, D. & DiGiuseppe, M. (Eds.) Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education2019, SpringerH. Inwood, D. Karrow & M. DiGiuseppe
Preservice Teacher Environmental Education Capacities: What is the Role of Ontario's Faculties of Education? In Karrow, D. & DiGiuseppe, M. (Eds.) Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education2019, SpringerD. Karrow, M. DiGiuseppe, H. Inwood, P. Elliott, & X. Fazio
Contextualizing ESE in Preservice Teacher Education in Canada. In D. Karrow, & DiGiuseppe, M. (Eds.) Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education.2020, SpringerH. Inwood & P. Elliott
Growing Art Education and Big Ideas in School Gardens2018, Art Education JournalH. Inwood & J. Sharpe
Re-imagining environmental education as artistic practice. In Reis, G. & Scott, J. (Eds.) International Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Environmental Education.2017, SpringerH. Inwood & Liz Ashworth
Environmental Arts. In Russ, A. & Krasny, M. (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review.2017, Cornell University PressH. Inwood, J. Heimlich, K. Ward, & J. Adams
Canadian Perspectives on Initial Teacher Environmental Education Praxis (Ed).2016, Canadian Association of Teacher EducationD. Karrow, M. DiGuiseppe, P. Elliott, H. Inwood, & Y. Gwekwerere
Research Interests
- Environmental & Sustainability Education (ESE) in K-12 Education
- Teachers' Professional Learning (preservice & inservice) in ESE and Climate Change Education
- Curriculum and pedagogy in Environmental Art Education and ESE
- Action Research in ESE and Climate Change Education
Current Research Studies
- Principal Investigator, Investigating Preservice Teachers’ Experiences in a National E-Course, 2021-2023
- Principal Investigator, Exploring the Experiences & Impacts of Teacher Candidates in the TDSB-OISE Partnership in Environmental & Sustainability Education, 2018-2023
- Co-Investigator, Scoping Review of Canadian Research into Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education, 2020-22
- Co-Investigator, Comparative Study of Teacher Educators’ Thinking about Sustainability Education Across Three Countries, 2020-2022
Teaching Interests
OISE Courses Taught
- Fundamentals of Teaching, MT Program
- Exploring the Praxis of Environmental and Sustainability Education, Curriculum & Pedagogy Program
- Power & Potential of Place-based Education, MT Program
- Reflective Teaching and Research, MT Program
- Introduction to Primary-Junior Art Education, MT Program
- Junior-Intermediate Arts in Education, B.Ed Program
- Principles of Teaching, B.Ed Program
- Additional Qualifications in Environmental Education Part 1 & Part 3, Continuing & Professional Learning Program