Co-Curricular Learning in ESE @ OISE
There are many ways for OISE students to access co-curricular (aka extra-curricular) learning about Environmental & Sustainability Education (ESE), in addition to the OISE courses and programs on offer:
Engage in ESE Learning
Attend an OISE Learning Event
Free ESE workshops & events offered each year for all members of the OISE community
ESE Conference
Annual ESE Conference offered at OISE in collaboration with the TDSB
Main Campus Events
Check out the sustainability events for students on the CLNx calendar
Get Certified
CCR Designation in ESE
OISE students can work towards their Co-Curricular Record Designation in ESE
Join a Club
Environmental Learning Circle (ELC)
OISE students meet to network & learn about ESE (meeting dates on SCAN's Events page)
OISE Student Leadership Team
For students experienced in ESE to help inform learning at OISE (contact SCAN to volunteer)
Get involved in UofT's Student Environmental Resource Network
Get Support
Sustainability Funding @ OISE
Work with a team to get sustainability-related projects funded at OISE
Work-Study Positions
SCAN offers work-study paid positions (apply early fall and spring via CLNx )
Graduate Assistantships (GAs)
SCAN offers a few GAs each year (apply through the GA Portal)