Higher Education - Courses & Thematic Areas

Higher Education Courses by Field and degree.

Note: “Fields” are specialized topic areas for students in the M.Ed program. Students who prefer not to specialize in a topic area will take the general higher education program. The general higher education program allows students to take a wide range of courses from across the University of Toronto but general M.Ed students may be limited in their enrolment options as certain courses are held for students in the fields.

General (G)

Leadership (L)

Education in the Professions (EITP)

Student Development and Student Services (SDSS)

The table below identifies the mandatory courses for fields and degree type. All other courses count as higher education electives. To see course offerings for the current term, please visit OISE’s Course Enrolment website.

Course Code and TitleGLEITPSDSSMA and PhD Degrees
LHA1803H - Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Educationxxxx 
LHA1804H - Issues in Medical/Health Professional Education     
LHA1805H - The College Sector     
LHA1806H - Systems of Higher Education     
LHA1807H - System-Wide Planning and Policy for Higher Education     
LHA1809H - Administration of Colleges and Universities x   
LHA1811H - Organizational Change in Higher Education x   
LHA1812H - Education and the Professions  x  
LHA1814H - Lifelong Learning and Professional and Vocational Education     
LHA1815H - Economics and Finance of Higher Education x   
LHA1816H - Sociology of Higher Education     
LHA1818H - Politics of Higher Education     
LHA1819H - Governance in Higher Education  x  
LHA1822H - Teaching and Learning in Higher Education     
LHA1823H - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning  x  
LHA1825H - Comparative Education Theory and Methodology (RM)     
LHA1826H - Comparative Higher Education     
LHA1828H - Evaluation in Higher Education (RM)     
LHA1834H - Qualitative Research in Higher Education (RM)     
LHA1835H - Logics and Strategies of Case Study Research (RM)     
LHA1836H - Critical Analysis of Research in Higher Education (RM) x   
LHA1844H - The Student Experience in Postsecondary Education  xx 
LHA1845H - Indigenous Students in Higher Education   x 
LHA1846H - Internationalization of Higher Education in a Comparative Perspective     
LHA1847H - Human Resource and Diversity Issues in Higher Education x   
LHA1848H - Innovative Curricula in Higher Education and Professional Programs  x  
LHA1849H - Faculty in Colleges and Universities     
LHA1852H - Individual Reading and Research in Higher Education: Master’s Level     
LHA1853H - Introduction to Student Services     
LHA1854H - Student Development Theory   x 
LHA1855H - Capstone in Student Development and Student Services     
LHA1856H - Advanced Student Development Theories in Higher Education   x 
LHA1858H - Internship in Student Services 1     
LHA1859H - Internship in Student Services 2     
LHA1860H - Capstone Project for Higher Education Leadership Cohort Option x   
LHA3803H - Doctoral Seminar: Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education    x
LHA3804H - Doctoral Research Seminar in Higher Education    x
LHA3810H - International Academic Relations     
LHA3852H - Individual Reading and Research in Higher Education: Doctoral Level     
LHA5800H to LHA5825H - Special Topics in Higher Education: Master's Level * These vary each year     
LHA6800H to LHA6810H - Special Topics in Higher Education: Doctoral Level *These vary each year     

*Not all courses are offered every semester. Please see ACORN for the most up-to-date course offerings.

SDSS = Student Development and Student Services

EITP = Education in the Professions

A note on delivery: Only students in the EITP field are guaranteed enrolment in courses with an online delivery mode. All other students will have a combination of in-person and online courses.